Chimney Repair New Jersey
Chimney is an important part of the house as such it needs maintenance and care. Our CSIA certified technicians have a deep knowledge as regard chimney repair. We inspect the chimney from bottom to the top to any performance issues or damages.According to the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the safest and most efficient chimneys are those that are cleaned regularly and inspected annually. Scheduling these valuable services will help your fire to burn beautifully; eliminate odors and smoke problems from the fireplace, decrease the amount of fuel required to meet the desired temperature, lower fire risk, and more. When your fireplace is properly maintained, cleaned, and assessed regularly, you will experience less damage to the system which means lower costs over time and a longer-lasting chimney. Your chimney is built to last a lifetime, but neglected systems are dangerous systems.
Chimney issues:
A chimney deteriorated by constant exposure to the weather can be a potential safety hazard. Weather-damaged lining systems, flue obstructions and loose masonry materials all present a threat to residents. Regular chimney maintenance is essential to prevent damage, deterioration and future high-cost chimney repair. The fact that chimneys may do their job reasonably well, even when abused or neglected, contributes to this atmosphere of indifference. Chimneys are far from the passive black holes that most people assume them to be. They perform several vital functions, and their simple appearance misrepresents their complex construction and performance requirements.
1. Cracked masonry
When there are gaps or cracks in the construction of the chimney, it allows gas, heat, and moisture to escape, leading to the destruction of the inside of your chimney. Additionally, cracks allow gases and soot to escape and build up. In some cases, these escape into your home, damaging your air quality.
2. Crown damage
The main and most important purpose of a chimney crown is to protect the chimney structure from deterioration due to weather exposure. Properly installed chimney crowns are able to achieve this by extending over the walls of the chimney structure. Our experts provide frame crowns that ensure a full chimney protection.
3. Water damage
A water-damaged chimney mantel might look stained or warped. Water damage appears on inside walls not far from the brick chimney. Warped baseboards and flooring next to the fireplace are signs of chimney water damage. Stains or bulges in the ceiling adjacent to the fireplace are cause for serious concern.